Rear-End Collisions

A rear-end collision occurs when one vehicle crashes into the rear of another, resulting into vehicular damage as well as a variety of physical injuries–ranging from minor whiplash to very severe, lifelong brain trauma.

In accordance with Pennsylvania law, drivers are expected not to (1) follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable or (2) drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable. Unfortunately, in spite of this, accidents often still occur. Each year, over 20,000 rear-end collisions result in injuries and fatalities for Pennsylvania residents. Nationwide, that number is closer to 2.5 million.

In the vast majority of cases, the driver of the vehicle that collides with the other car is legally responsible for the accident. If you have been injured in a rear-end collision, our expert auto accident attorneys can review your case and provide you with guidance. You may be entitled to compensation for physical, emotional, and financial distress resulting from your accident.

Circumstances Causing Rear-End Collisions

There are a number of different reasons why a rear-end collision may occur. Negligence, distraction, and reckless driving are common culprits. If a driver is suffering exhaustion, involved in other activites while driving, or not focusing properly on the road, they may make a small mistake with very severe, lasting consequences. Dangerous weather conditions on the road and vehicular defects can also lead to damage.

Rapid acceleration, speeding, and tailgating often result in rear-end collisions due to the fact that the offending driver is not able to brake suddenly. In today’s modern world, drivers are expected not to text or speak on their cell phones while on the road, but many collisions occur as a result of these issues. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs pose an even greater threat to the overall safety conditions on the road.

Vehicular accidents occur more often during inclement weather conditions. Icy roads and heavy rain can be disorienting to drivers and cause them to collide with other vehicles. While adverse road conditions are not the fault of the driver, each individual driver is still required to take safety precautions to ensure that no one is injured.

Regardless of the circumstances, if you have been the victim of a rear-end collision, legal counsel could be beneficial for you. Whether your accident occurred due to negligence, weather conditions, or a combination of factors, you are very likely entitled to compensation for damages. Contact our experienced auto accident lawyers for a free consultation.

Common Injuries Resulting from Rear-End Collisions

Whiplash, or a painful sprain in the neck, is the most common injury sustained during a rear-end collision. Due to the violent impact that occurs at the moment of a collision, passengers are typically jerked back and forth in their seat, causing head and neck injuries. Although symptoms may not initially be present at the scene of the accident, or even for several days following it, delayed pain resulting from a whiplash neck sprain is highly common.

Broken bones, fractures, and sprains are typical in rear-end collisions. These types of injuries usually occur due to the sudden and abrupt motion. Victims are thrown against hard surfaces, such as their car’s dashboard.

Herniated or ruptured discs, usually in the lower back, can also result from a sudden collision, causing mobility issues that can be painful and distressing. In the most extreme cases, spinal cord injuries can lead to paralysis.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are a wide category of neurological injuries that can be deeply disruptive to a person’s daily existence. They can result in a severely diminished quality of life for the victim and their family.

Losses sustained from a painful accident include lost wages, medical fees, and psychological distress. If you are experiencing prolonged pain due to a vehicular accident, contact our experienced car accident lawyers for a consultation. In addition, if a loved one has suffered a fatal collision, a wrongful death lawsuit may be an option.

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